
Linux change user as sudo root privileges and using command without password

Everytime, if we would like use system command as sudoer, we should input password. But I found a way which using system command without password after google.


Install and Use exfat USB under Ubuntu

Ubuntu exFAT

exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table) is a Microsoft file system optimized for flash drives. exFAT can be used where the NTFS file system is not a feasible solution (due to data structure overhead), or where the file size limit of the standard FAT32 file system is unacceptable.

exFAT has been adopted by the SD Card Association as the default file system for SDXC cards larger than 32 GB.

Native Linux support for exFAT is still limited. As of 2010, a working implementation under FUSE exists, which reached version 1.0 in 2013. So we need to install exfat-fuse and related packges in Ubuntu for using exFAT.

Install exfat package under Ubuntu

Update all repositories.
jose@jose-ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update

Installing the below 2 packages.
jose@jose-ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils

Use exFAT USB under Ubuntu

If Ubuntu doesn't auto-mount your exFAT formatted driver, you could mount exfat USB manually after installed the above 2 packages.
jose@jose-ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /media/xxx
jose@jose-ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t exfat /dev/sdxx /media/xxx

/media/xxx - means specific folder for exfat partition.
/dev/sdxx - means your exfat partition.
  1. How to enable exFAT in Ubuntu 14.04


2015 June CISA Exam Taiwan Apply Certification 申請認證 5

我在通過 2015 年 6 月的 CISA 考試後,於同年 8 月 8 日寄出申請證的申請表,經過 8 週後收到 CISA 認證通過的通知。這篇文章,就是介紹自己申請 CISA 認證的整個過程:
  1. 確認符合申請 CISA 認證的資格
  2. 列印 ISACA 的《Application for CISA Certification》文件
  3. 申請大學、研究所的英文成績單、畢業證書
  4. 填寫「Work Experience Detail」
  5. 填寫「Job Practice Areas」工作實務領域
  6. 請主管驗證
  7. 寄出《Application for CISA Certification》文件
  8. 上網繳交 CISA 認證費/證書費/處理費
  9. FAQ
希望對其他想申請 CISA 認證的朋友有幫助!
CISA Badge


香草輸入法和無蝦米/嘸蝦米 OpenVanilla and Boshiamy on Mac OSX

這篇文章的前身《OpenVanilla香草輸入法》,記錄不同香草輸入法(簡稱:OV)版本使用 liu.cin (嘸蝦米輸入法模組)的方法,以推廣香草輸入法。在這篇文章中,我進一步比較 OV + liu.cin 和嘸蝦米輸入法在不同平台間的使用差異,以及如何利用 OSX「使用者辭典」直接使用 liu.cin 嘸蝦米輸入法模組。最後,我進一步說明了自己為何放棄在 OSX 內使用 OV + liu.cin 方案,而改用嘸蝦米輸入法的原因。
OpenVanilla Preference
最新版的「OpenVanilla 香草輸入法 1.0.11」已經公佈了,大家可以下載後自行安裝。



我不吃紅肉 I Don't Eat Red Meat




Do Not Eat Red Meat 不吃紅肉


離職?先想清楚這五點! Quit My Job? 5 Things To Consider

網路上有很多的文章告訴你要如何準備離職,但卻很少有文章告訴大家該如何思考「我該不該離職?」最近身邊有許多朋友有異動的打算,今天以此主題,與大家分享一下我在 2010 年 4 月思考時離職的想法!

5 things to consider before quit